Make this Monday night’s Afro Flow Yoga class extra special by helping us raise funds to sponsor and enable Jamaican teachers and social workers to attend the Caribbean Yoga Conference in February, 2012!  Click here to meet the 2012 Scholarship Recipients!

You can DONATE by clicking here!

LOCATION: South Boston Yoga Studio, 36 W Broadway, South Boston (right across from Broadway redline T stop)

DATE/TIME: Monday, 1/9/2012; 6:30-8pm (Afro Flow Yoga’s normal class time)

DONATIONS: Our goal is to raise $1800 so that two recipients are able to attend so please be generous!  (no one will be turned away based on donation amount–come one, come all!)

**Donation update–we raised $400 on 1/9/2012 and we’re still going!  Please help us raise the remaining $1400 by the end of January by clicking the link above or donating in person at Leslie’s Afro Flow Yoga class, Monday night’s at 6:30pm South Boston Yoga through the end of the month.  Namaste!**